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But before you leave, you may also want to know a little more about the first full novel in the Breaking of Godslost series: Queen’s Descent. Details are below, and if you want a cheeky no-strings sample, just click the link.

Breaking of Godslost | Book 1

The greatest Empire known to Godslost has been strong for six hundred years, outliving great men, gods and magic. But with age and size comes decay. The rot is deep in this one.

Lost, bullied, scared. And breaker of Empires.

And who is charged with healing this wound? Enter Delfin, the sole surviving daughter of the Emperor. Left without a family and estranged from a father who leans on her from afar for political gain, Delfin is a sheep in a field of wolves. And the assassin is closing in too.

But what she lacks in courtly talents, she more than makes up for an insatiable thirst for the truth. And when small victories flourish into unquestionable competence, she takes the dangerous step of defying her father and peering into the only truth she’s ever truly wanted. Why was her family killed?

But at the end of that thread is a rug, and under that rug is an Empire. The price of the truth is the illusion that sustains it all. Can she really crack it?

I really enjoyed it, especially during the second half when the secrets started tumbling. I didn't put it down! I don't think I've read one quite like it before.